To recieve The Color Factury color profiles, call The Color Factury at 619-593-9100
These profiles were generated on 10/17/01 along with the instructions in Word format. They are ZIPed.

They were generated for the Epson 3000 printer and Accuplot paper. Since they are installed in Corel and do the adjustments before the printer handler adjustments it is believed at this moment that they may work well for the 980 and others.

They were generated for the 'Vivid' setting in the Epson handler, so they can be tweaked for printer to printer differences.

It is not known at this moment if they will work with PhotoShop.

Currently there are four profiles included, Maine Metal (a white metal that does not accept a lot of saturation), UnisubFR, Color Factory Metal, and Color Factory Tile.

These will work with similar substrates of the same color and the ability to absorb dye well.

This is a beta release posted so that we can get some feedback. They seem to work well with no problems.

PLEASE! Email me any experience with these, good, bad, or otherwise at you can use the EMAIL button above.